
skin consultation

A skin and lifestyle analysis will be done and the best available treatments will then be discussed.

chemical peels: dermaceutic

A chemical peel is applied to the skin to accelerate the skin’s natural exfoliation in a controlled way and stimulate new skin growth. Chemical peels can be applied to the face, neck, décolleté, hands and other parts of the body. They are used to address three key skin indications:

Acne-prone skin:

  • To improve the look and feel of oily skin
  • To improve the appearance of scars

Premature skin aging:

  • To reduce fine lines
  • To improve the appearance of wrinkles caused by sun damage and premature skin aging

Pigment spots and melasma:

  • To reduce the visibility of age spots
  • To diminish the appearance of dark patches and melasma

DERMAPEN 4 – microneedling

Microneedling performed with the Dermapen 4 can effectively improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, stretch marks, scars and other textural irregularities on the skin surface.  Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (or CIT), this cosmetic procedure uses small needles to stimulate collagen production. 

Dermapen 4 uses the most advanced needle cartridge innovation available. It glides over the skin creating millions of fine fractional channels up to 104% faster than other microneedling devices. These channels can carry up to 80% more topical nutrients deeper into the skin. In turn, our body’s natural response triggers the process of repair. The result is the increased production of collagen and elastin, resurfacing, retexturing and overall skin renewal anywhere on the body.

Dermapen 4 is the most technologically advanced microneedling device available. Dermapen 4 treatments are faster, safer and produce optimal results.    

craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a noninvasive therapy focused on relieving pressure and tension in the head, sacrum, and spinal column to restore cranial mobility and ease or release pain while boosting health and immunity.

This therapy involves a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to work on membranes and the movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. This aids in normalising the environment around the brain and spinal cord in order to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal and self-correct.


Reflexology is a specific pressure technique applied to the feet or hands. It is based on the theory that the internal body structures and organs are mapped or mirrored in the miniature on the foot.

This simple non-invasive treatment helps the body to maintain a delicate balance between the nine body systems. It can also be used to target problem areas in the body. Hot stones are placed under the shoulders and on the body which further enhances the benefits of the treatment.

Reflexology has been known to aid in reducing stress, anxiety and pain, while improving general well being.


Answers to questions about  Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is when a chemical solution is applied to the skin to accelerate the skin’s natural exfoliation in a controlled way, so that new skin can grow in its place.

99% of Peels are one of 2 types

Superficial Peels : are the mildest type of chemical peel and can be used on all skin types. These professional treatments usually contain mild acids (AHA and BHA) most particularly glycolic acid.

Medium Peels: Penetrate the skin more deeply than the superficial peels and cause a visible skin desquamation. TCA and sometimes Phenol are the main peeling agents used in medium peels.

Your skin will be assessed in an initial skin consultation and a treatment peel will be recommended based on:

  • The skin condition to be addressed
  • The kind of results you would like to achieve
  • The downtime and post-treatment care you are willing to accept
  • Your skin type and phototype

Superficial peel:

The skin will be slightly red after the treatment. Post treatment moisurizer is always applied and this will reduce the redness which will disappear after a few minutes. Moisturize and apply sun protection as necessary over the next 2 to 3 days.

Your skin may feel tight but smooth and some desquamation (skin peeling) may occur.

Most patients return to their normal activities immediately.


Medium peel:

During the first few days after the peel, there may be some swelling, especially if the area around the eyes is treated.

The skin will then flake off gradually and be replaced by new skin.

It will take 4 to 5 days for the skin to restore itself completely, during which time it should be kept hydrated by moisturizing.

It is essential to protect the new, sensitive layer of skin with a high protection sunscreen during the whole treatment period and for at least one month after the peel.

It is recommended that you combine the in-clinic sessions with an adapted homecare program to:

  1. Prepare the skin 15 days before the first session
  2. Restore and protect the skin after each peel
  3. Stimulate the skin and boost the efficacy of the in-clinic sessions

A typical skincare program can include up to 7 key actions:

Cleanse your skin with a daily Cleansing Foam

Purify your skin with an Expert Cleanser or Mask

Stimulate your skin radiance with a Night Cream

Restore your skin with a moisturizer

Protect your skin from UV rays with a high protection SPF 50+

Prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging with a Serum

Target your skin imperfections (wrinkles, pigment spots) with a Cream or Serum